Present like a pro
2024-08-25 , Breakout Room

So you want to -- or have to -- present a talk.
On stage.
In front of people.

Don't panic!

In this talk, we will discuss why talks are great for both teaching and learning, some of the basic do's and don'ts, and an easy 8 step plan to get you writing your (first? next?!) presentation.

Public speaking is a professional skill. It takes a lot to be able to get in front of people, speak about a technical topic within a specific amount of time, field questions from the audience, and do it well.

Spoiler: Even the most experienced speakers get nervous before a talk.

This presentation will take you through some of the basics of public speaking, but also some tricks of the trade that may not be as obvious.

Presented by a recurring Kiwi PyCon speaker who has (as of this event) just shy of a decade of public speaking experience at open source conferences, and who teaches these skills as part of their role in developer relations, learn how you can present like a pro.

What is the anticipated audience for your presentation?:


Katie McLaughlin (@glasnt) is a Developer Relations Engineer at Google Cloud. They are a Director of the Django Software Foundation, and an Honorary lifetime member of the New Zealand Python User’s Group, and were awarded the O'Reilly Open Source Award in 2017. When they're not changing the world, they enjoy cooking, running, making tapestries, and seeing just how well various application stacks handle emoji.